God’s timing.

Do you ever get those “AHA!” moments from God? You know, the ones where everything -every trial, every tear, every bump in the road- suddenly makes sense and you can see its place and purpose?

I had an “AHA!” moment on vacation. Actually, it was a HUGE blessing, followed by an “AHA!” moment, followed by happiness, followed by shame, and then probably followed by dessert, because that’s what I do.

We got a call on vacation that Ben got a new job. A job that we had been praying about for 3 years. A job that Ben really feels called for. A job that caused me to question my Savior, though I’m ashamed to admit it. I feel like, by now, God is probably saying, “Britt, trust me. Am I not always there for you? Don’t I always have your best interests at heart?” I know that He does. And even in the midst of trials, I still know that He’s right there beside me, and that everything will be okay. But being the crazy girl I am, I still worry, still question, and still bite my fingernails obsessively.

Ben and I talked on the way home about how perfect God’s timing really is. We looked at every year that he didn’t get the job, and we saw what a blessing it was that he didn’t get it at that time. There were lessons to be learned or circumstances that we would have wanted to avoid or things God still had planned for him at his old job. I had gotten frustrated over the course of these years that God hadn’t answered my prayers. But now, I am praising Him for not answering those prayers. This was a nice little reminder to me that God does know what is best. And although we may not see it for 3 years, He is working with our best interests at heart.

That makes me wonder where my life would be if God had given me everything I’d asked for in prayer. I giggle when I think about some of the things I’ve prayed for growing up. Now I could totally dig being a real-life princess, but I think I would really miss my sweatpants and holey t-shirts. And although I’m sure Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Macaulay Culkin were nice boys, I’m sure glad I married Ben.

Today, and every day, I’m thankful that God is so much smarter than I am. I am thankful that He knows what is best for me. I am thankful that He doesn’t always answer every single prayer because He’s got bigger and better things in store for me. I am thankful that He has laid forth plans for my life. Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me “For I know the thoughts I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope”. God loves us and has plans for us and for our future. How is awesome that? That verse rejuvenates me. It comforts me. It makes me want to snuggle up to Jesus and rest in the fact that I serve a loving and compassionate Savior.

So a biggggg thank you to my Lord for keepin’ it real. For knowing me better than I know myself. For knowing what is best for me and my family and always providing for us. Your peace, comfort, and love is better than anything I know. Even heaven-sent hushpuppies from Smithfield’s.

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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