ridin’ solo.

Do you smell the fall in the air? Seriously, yesterday, I smelled it. And man oh man did it smell vaaaaanderful!

Fall means football, and football means I ride solo for a while in the evenings while Ben is coaching. For the past three weeks, Ben has been getting home when I’m already in bed, which means it’s me and the little dude all evening long. By the time bedtime rolls around for me, I’m so tired that I’m not quite sure I can even climb in my bed. I’ve contemplated sleeping on the floor because it would mean less physical exertion than climbing in the bed. Single mamas, you rock!

So here’s what our evenings have looked like:

-I come home from work and we play and eat read books for a while. And then I start dinner. Which PB objects to. So then I must get creative.

I pull everything out into the floor. Muffin pans, measuring spoons, blocks, whisks, you name it. If it doesn’t resemble a toy, he’s interested. Now, he’ll be occupied for about 10 minutes. That means I’ve gotta hustle.

Dinner is finished about the same time he’s fed up with the muffin pan. I feed him and eat my supper at the same time. Sometimes I forget what I’m doing and notice that I’ve been eating his food instead. Not bad!

My 10-minute (prep) meal looks like this: lemon-baked tilapia, mac and cheese, broccoli and cheese (do you notice a cheese theme?) and pinterest potatoes! Seriously, found these potatoes on pinterest the other day. It’s a spin on a traditional baked potato, and it was gooooood. Perfect for a quick, weeknight dinner in place of a plain ole’ tater!

After we eat, we play and dance a little. PB’s learning how to dance (bounce) when he hears music. His favorite song so far seems to be ‘Bust a move’. I’m so proud…..

Next up, we feed the calf. He’s in a lot behind our house with a bunch of other cows. I’m hoping that he’s near our house so we don’t have to walk 8172 miles to feed him. Today? He’s 8171 miles from our house.

See him?

Look closer. That little red dot near the tree.
So then I start praying that he’ll actually come when I call him. Because I’m tired and don’t feel like carrying a bottle and a 20 pound baby down in the weeds. God is good tonight (and every night!). He comes to the fence and we feed him.
We head back to the house and PB eats some snack. We watch a little tv. Usually its Sprout. Or the Golden Girls. Or Fresh Prince, cause that’s how I roll. Tonight? Obsessed on Lifetime Movies Network!
We feed the dogs. Kobe and BD (brown dog….creative, I know). I spill dog food on myself and want to cry.
Bath is up last. We play sharks. And ninja turtles.
He trys to catch the water. That entertains him for a loooong time.
Then dad surprises us. He’s home early!

“oh thank heavens, dada, I thought you were NEVER gonna get here!”
And then I zoom out and take a picture of the mess that I won’t be cleaning up tonight.
And then PB goes to sleep. And then I whine and complain (just a little) because I smell like fish, baby food, calf supplement, cow poop, and dog food (but I wouldn’t want it any other way). And then I tell Ben I’m too tired to shower. And then he tells me I’ll be sleeping outside if I don’t take a bath. And then I remind him who cooked him dinner. And then he says he can deal with a fish/cow/dog food smellin’ wife.
I climb in my bed and sleep like a unicorn on a cloud. And, for the record, I did take a shower……
By the way, I reread my post from yesterday, and I hope that you didn’t take it the wrong way. Beautiful Jen pointed out a similar post from Jones Design Company (holy cow, a beautiful, inspirational design blog!) and she really hit the nail on the head (thanks Jen!). She said exactly what I wanted to say, except she said it much better! I love reading blogs. All types, really. Sometimes, though, they leave me feeling like I don’t measure up, ya know? Whatever blog I’ve read that day, whether its about couponing, cooking, diy-ing, or sky-diving, I end up feeling like I don’t coupon enough, don’t cook good enough, or that I’m just not enough. I must remind myself that I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ (Psalm 139:14). We all are…..

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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