couplah announcements

First, please pardon the mess on the blog. Knewlywifed is under construction! Yep, I’m updating the ole’ bloggaroosky. Because I’m technologically challenged, the wonderfully talented Erika is helping me out. Look out, y’all. I’m heading towards the 21st century. I like to pride myself on being a couple of years behind on all major trends. My Motorola Razr speaks volumes to this.

Second, and I’m really pumped about this, I’m introducing my first series on the blog called My Thrifty Life. And I need your help. The goal of the series is to provide tips, tricks, suggestions, and advice for living a thrifty life, or as my blog bud Charlotte says, living well on the cheap. The subject material can be broad, ranging from anything from couponing to savings and everything in between.

So here’s the part where I need your help….contribute! How do you ‘live well on the cheap’? What are you doing to save money? Are you a superstar couponer? Are you the Urban Meyer of meal planning? Do you have any tips for spending less money on your shopping trips? Do you decorate your home with hand-me-downs? How do you do it? And maybe you don’t live a totally thrifty or frugal lifestyle, but perhaps there is one thing you do well that saves time or money. Letta girl know!

If you’ve got something to share, please do so! Email me at therookieyears{at}gmail{dot}com for more information about guest blogging.

Tomorrow, I’ll kick off the series with a totally rad (is that word even used anymore?) post from Lindsay on a rookie’s guide to couponing. It’s gooooood. Realllllly good. My whole family was pumped.


 So stayed tuned for that!

P.S. Thank you for your prayers for my neighbor’s family. I know they’ll still need them as they face a new day.

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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