another geeeeevaway

Friday, we turned on the gas logs because it was cold, man! Saturday, I bought 984 pumpkins for my front porch. Sunday, I ate 4 bowls of taco soup. Today, I’m approaching 100 blog posts.

And I turned a quarter of a century old last week. EEK.

And PB is walking. Double EEK.

Let’s celebrate!

Today, I’m partnering with an uber-talented photographer and photoshop whiz, Randi Jasmine for an awesome giveaway.

I’m giving away 16 edited photos of your choice, for a total value of $125.

Word to ya mother.

Here’s the skinny:

The 1st place winner will receive 10 edited photos of their choice.
The 2nd place winner will receive 5 edited photos of their choice.
And the 3rd place winner will receive 1 edited photo of their choice.

What does this mean:

If you win, you’ll submit 10 (or 5, or 1) of your favorite high resolution pictures to Jasmine (via email), tell her what you’d like to have changed/enhanced, and she’ll transform them with her photoshop wizardry.

So, let’s say you’ve got an engagement picture that you took 1 day after you got engaged. You were so excited that you were finally engaged (because you were near breakup after you strip-searched his car and found no engagement ring) that you grabbed your point and shoot pocket digital camera, propped a couple of towels on the sand, and set your auto timer. The end result was a less than flattering ‘engagement’ picture.

But, alas! You sent your picture to Jasmine and she made it look wayyyy nicer. So, now you have a beautiful engagement picture 3 1/2 years after the fact. You are left wondering how your teeth were ever that white, how in the bleepity bleep you ever fit into those skin tight pants that now double as arm warmers, and what the heck is wrong with your husband’s hair.
Here’s another example of my sweet PB eating his Easter eggs:
And another of my favorite boys:
And here’s an example from Jasmine:
This is perfect if you’ve got a favorite digital picture that could use a little boost, and you don’t have (or know how to use) photoshop. Or, its perfect if you don’t have the funditos to have a professional photographer right now. You could run out in your yard, snap a picture of your honey, baby, fur kid, or the whole family, and then send it to Jasmine and have her whip it into shape! You could frame your new, fancy picture, or use it for Christmas cards or birthday invites. Whatever floats your boat, man, it’s up to you!
So, here’s the deal:
To enter, leave a comment and tell me what picture you’d enhance (or take to enhance) if you won.
That’s it.
Make sure you provide a valid email address so I can email ya if you win.
All entries must be received by 11:59 p.m. Saturday, September 24. I’ll use to choose the winners. The first comment picked will win 10 photos. The second comment picked will win 5 photos. And the last comment picked will win 1 photo.
You can check out Jasmine’s blog for all of her photography services, including photo editing. Thanks, Jasmine, for sponsoring this awesome geeeeevaway!
Have a blessed Monday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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