a random friday

I’ve had a lot on my mind this week with, you know, quitting my job and all. As the day gets closer, I get a little more nervous. No matter how much faith I have that God is in control and things will be fine, my human mind still wants to panic. Isn’t that weird? My heart knows everything will be okay, but my head wants me to think otherwise. My head is a strange thing.

Anyway, I’m all over the map right now. And so shall be the same for this post. A bunch of random nothingness. My mind is jello for the moment.

1. I had a flu shot yesterday at work. I’m still wearing the bandaid today. I have yet to straighten my right arm. I’m thinking of wearing a sling. Would this be a little too dramatic? I hate shots. Have I ever told you that?

2. I haven’t had a hair cut in over a year.

3. Sometimes, I go 2 days without washing my hair. Okay, I’m lying. Until last night, it had been 4 days. Is this gross? In my defense, by days 3 and 4, my hair just goes up into a bun, so the nastiness is minimalized. Give me a break! It takes 25 minutes to completely dry my hair, which takes me back to point # 2. I believe its time.

4. This was me before we left to go to the hospital for induction:

This picture is obscene.

5. I was more terrified of the IV than actually giving birth. I tested positive for group B strep, so I had to have penicillin in my IV. I screamed bloody murder every time the pencillin went into my vein. I’m starting to get lightheaded, so I’m going to quit while I’m ahead.

6. This is my dad (and mom):

My friend’s husband thinks he looks like Sid Bream.

image via google.

I concur.

7. This was PB shortly after he was born. His face was swollen and red.

8. This is him again, still at the hospital.

He looks like he’s got 2 pounds of mashed potatoes stuck in his cheeks. It doesn’t even look like the same kid.

9. Have you ever wondered why people with Austrailian accents sound English when they sing? Like Keith Urban. You would never know he was Austrailian when he sang.

10. This is what the last month of pregnancy looked like:

You can’t see the fist-size spot of drool on the cushion. Ben tells me I look sexy when I sleep.

11. Remember when I challenged myself to make a new recipe over the weekend? Well, I did. And it was a total disaster. I made a red velvet cake, and the cake tasted great, but half of it collapsed and my mixer croaked while I was making icing.

12. My neighbor gave PB a Little Tykes car, and he LOVES it. He feels like such a big boy in it.

I call it the ‘pimp mobile’. I’m going to take a couple of pie pans and add some ‘rims’ to it.

13. My stomach is flatter when I first wake up in the morning. As soon as I eat or drink a single bite, it swells out like I’m 4 months pregnant. The next time I go to the beach, I’ll make a note to get up and head out 3 a.m.

14. I haven’t plucked my eyebrows in a several weeks. I’m thinking they might just grow together and I won’t have to worry about it anymore. I just can’t bring myself to do it. Every time I pluck, I sneeze.

15. I’ve been stocking my pantry and freezer with staples (not literally staples) to prepare for unemployment. I’m hoarding Crisco and chicken at the moment.

16. I think I’m done now.

17. Have a blessed weekend, and thanks for your sweet words of encouragement yesterday! I totally needed them 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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