thankful thursday: ole’ viruses

We’re still here, y’all!

We’ve been battling a nasty virus at the house this week. My poor boy is the sickest I’ve ever seen him. It breaks my heart to see him like this. Last night as we were driving back from the doctor (for the second time), I looked back in the rear view mirror at PB. He had finally fell asleep, clutching Elmo in his little swollen hands. I felt helpless.  
We brought him home last night. We played as much as we could with him. And we got to put him to bed at the end of the night in his crib, knowing that, as bad as he looked and felt, this was just a virus that would go away eventually.
Ben and I could do nothing but praise God last night before we went to bed. As sick as PB looked and felt, he was okay. This virus was nothing compared to the illnesses and diseases that some kids face. We had been complaining for the last three days because we felt helpless. We were frustrated, exhausted, and our hearts broke for him. But, this was just a virus. How minuscule this was compared to things other parents and children face! 
So today is Thursday, and I’m so very thankful that we are dealing with a stupid virus at my house as opposed to something else. Sometimes, I’m guilty of whining and complaining about the dumbest things. And then I look around and see others that are really suffering. And I feel like a big terd. 
This was the first real sickness that PB has had. So naturally, as first time parents, we freaked out a bit. But in the big scheme of things, this is nothing. Most of our so-called problems in life are nothing. I was feeling frustrated and angry because there wasn’t anything I could do for my son’s virus. Imagine the helplessness that a parent of a St. Jude’s child feels. Our problems really aren’t that big.
I’ll close this today by asking for prayers for kids dealing with problems bigger than ole’ viruses. We’ve got a local gal in our community battling sickness at St. Jude’s. She needs our prayers. Her family needs our prayers. 
It hurts to see my boy sick. But, in the midst of his sickness, I can’t help but think of those who deal with illnesses on a St. Jude’s level. As weird as it may sound, it makes me so very thankful for a virus.
Maybe that’s how God humbles us. 
Have a blessed Thursday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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