it ain’t even that serious.

I started student teaching 2 weeks ago. It’s been wonderful and I feel completely at peace with my decision to quit my old job and pursue a new career. I’m happy, and I feel like this is where God wants me.

But…….. it has been a bit of an adjustment going back to work. I forgot how challenging it can be to work full time and have a baby. I’ve struggled with this balance since I became a mom. After I come home from work, its a mad dash to play, eat, bathe, and get to bed at a decent hour. We wake up and do it all again the next day. By mid-week, we’ve got no clean underwear and the kitchen sink looks dangerous.

I don’t usually get overwhelmed, but I’ve been a tad overwhelmed the past couple of weeks. The other night, as I was rushing to get in bed by 9:52 p.m, my favorite motto popped in my mind: it ain’t even that serious.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been telling Ben (who gets easily overwhelmed) that ‘it ain’t even that serious’. In college, he would get all worked up about a project. With his jobs, he would get easily stressed. I would always give him a little pep talk, telling him that all these little things we worry and stress about are just that: little things. In the big scheme of things, most of these things we stress about are  so trivial and pointless. And then I’d end with my favorite quote, “IT AIN’T EVEN THAT SERIOUS”.

Apparently he has listened very well to my pep talks, as he’s now the one who stays cool and calm, and I’m the one having breathing problems when I look at our pile of dirty laundry. So today, I’ve had to take a dose of my own medicine and remind myself that it ain’t even that serious. The laundry isn’t going to get up and run away, and the dishes aren’t going anywhere either. I’m off today, and it actually looks like a good day to ride tractors and play hide and seek. Every once in a while, it’s important to remind yourself of what matters most.

Have a blessed Monday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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