the valentine’s saga, continued….

Shall we pick up where I left off?

Let’s see…..

Oh yes, Saturday night. PB puked all night long. For my friends who didn’t see the first post, Ben had walking pneumonia and an ear infection Friday. I had a sinus infection. PB had a cold. A fun time was had by all.

Sunday, my savior of a mother came and got PB so Ben and I could scrub the house down. We cleaned for 3 hours, scouring every single thing in the house and washing at least 75 loads of laundry. My stomach felt a little funky Sunday morning, but I thought nothing of it. We went to pick up PB from my parents house and thought he looked much better. He was playing around and acting his usual self.

And then he threw up again.

So all Sunday night, he was feeling pretty icky. Ben took him to the doctor on Monday morning, to find out he had a double ear infection, walking pneumonia (just like dad!), and a stomach virus. At this point, Ben and I expected our roof to collapse or our floors to fall out from under us. After literally a whole month of sickness shared in our house, we were starting to feel defeated. Doesn’t it always seem that when it rains, it pours? Though I will say this, I am blessed, blessed, blessed that this is all we are dealing with. I know my little problems are trivial compared to what others go through. I am so thankful for stupid ole’ viruses and ear infections. I know it could be so much worse.

Anyway, we were sitting on the couch Monday night, playing with our sweet boy (who was feeling a tad better), when I simply looked at Ben and said, “I think I’m going to puke”.

And sure enough, that’s what I did. ALLLLLLLLLLLLL night long.

So instead of boring you with traditional Valentine’s things, like flowers and candy and notes to my honey, I’m gonna get real and share our Valentine’s Day in numbers.

4 – the number of consecutive weeks that someone in our house has been sick.
24 – the number of times I puked
4 – the number of toilet paper rolls I went through (because, you know, a stomach virus isn’t a stomach virus unless you’re crapping all over yourself)
57320405 – the number of minutes I spent on the commode, with my head hanging in the trash can
24 – the number of hours it’s been since I slept
2 – the number of sweet, sweet, parents I have, who are taking care of my baby boy while our house is a war zone
5 – the number of pounds I’ve lost so far (hmmmm, a stomach virus as a weight loss tool??)
7 – the number of Sprites and Gatorades I’ve had in the last 18 hours
3948173419347 – the number of times Ben and I have laughed at our current situation. It’s funny, the first Valentine’s Day that Ben and I spent together, we cooked a nice meal together, held hands, and exchanged sappy Valentine’s cards. We said all kinds of sweet things to each other, because we were so much in love, you know. The flowers, the cards, the candies, it was just a little frickin’ storybook day. I probably posted some crap on Facebook about how lucky I was to have him as my boyfriend. I probably called him sexy and said that he was so romantic.

I had no idea.

You know what, I am a stinkin’ lucky girl. I really feel like the luckiest girl in the world this Valentine’s Day. I got more than roses or diamonds or candies. I got a good man who takes care of his family. He takes such good care of our baby when I can’t help at all. He waits on me hand and foot. He holds my head over the commode so I won’t bust it on the lid while I puke. He cleans the vomit on the bathroom floor. He wipes the puke from my face.

Now, that’s sexy. And romantic.

This year’s V-day card. It only seemed appropriate.

This will probably go down as one of the most memorable Valentine’s Days, for all the right reasons, of course.

What has been your most memorable Valentine’s Day?

Happy Valentine’s Day, friends! I hope you have a wonderful day, free of vomit, and full of lots of sweet things. Eat some chocolate for me!

Have a blessed Tuesday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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