a good idea.

Ben and I have been visiting family this past week, which means, when it’s all said and done, we will have traveled 16 hours in a car together. With a toddler. Who doesn’t like to sit still. And throws things. And makes messes. Really big messes. Fun times right there.

Anyhow, I was trolling pinterest a while back and I came across the most brilliant idea I had ever seen. Really, I don’t know why in the world I didn’t think of it. It makes so much sense and it is just so darn practical.


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image via BHG.

is so stinkin’ smart! It’s a cereal canister that doubles as a trash can in the car. I get oddly excited about things like this. So you can imagine I ran to Walmart the day before our trip and bought one of these babies. I could hardly wait to put it in the car.

It didn’t disappoint.

Now, instead of the trash and mess that accumulates all over our car during a road trip, I can just drop it in the can and close the lid.

I had a little too much fun with it. We’d go through a drive-thru and I would more-than-happily dispose of my straw wrapper in my new trashcan.At one point, I even started cleaning out my glovebox and throwing everything in to the trash.

It was just so darn handy, y’all!

And the best part is that when it fills up, you just take the bag out and put a new one in.

BRILLIANT, I tell you!

We are no longer swimming in napkins or lids or baby wipes or goldfish crumbs. This idea has forever changed the way I travel.

Do y’all have any car organization tips while traveling? Or tips to keep an 18 month old from screaming ‘OUT, OUT, OUT’ at the top of his lungs for 4 straight hours?

Have a blessed Wednesday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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