vbs recap.

We had Vacation Bible School around these parts last week. We had such an awesome time. I love to see the excitement in the kids’ faces. I hope they never lose that joy and willingness to share the love of Christ with others.

You know, I guess somewhere along the way, I lost that excitement to share Jesus with others. I guess I worried too much about what people would think of me. And that’s what I love about kids. You ask them about Jesus, and they’ll tell you all they know. They’ll sing praise and dance to praise songs without any cares. I think I’m going to strive to be a little more like a kid in my love for Christ.

Our theme this year was based on Firefighters and fighting the fire of sin. We didn’t order any kits, so it was all DIY. My friend Kelli and I taught the ‘baby’ class (0-3 years). Oh my gosh. Talk about a workout!   I came home every night just pooped. It was so much fun, but totally exhausting at the same time. Taking care of one kiddo is hard enough for me, but add on 11 more, and WOW.

 We had the local fire department send a truck down for the kids to see.

And in true kid fashion, they chanted “spray us, spray us”, until the firefighters obliged and got the kids soakin’ wet. I could totally see myself doing that 15 years ago. Today, not so much. I’m a water weenie.

On the last night, we had a ‘carnival’ for the kids, complete with a ‘pie in the face’ game, in which Ben proudly took part of.

We had games and treats for the kids. We rented a big inflatable firetruck for the kids to jump in as well. I may or may not have came down to church a little early, before all the kiddos got there, and jumped until I got dizzy (which didn’t take long).

By the last night, I was completely drained. My energy was gone, and I started getting whiney. It’s so easy to get wrapped up in ourselves. Too often, I forget my priorities and I don’t focus on WHY I am doing this or that. The answer should be to glorify and honor Christ, who died for me. Instead, I get consumed with the details and lose focus of my man, JC.

I see this with everything I do in life. I’ve often heard people say, ‘if Christ is not in it, it’s not worth it’. I’m trying to make more of an effort to seek God in everything I do. It helps me to forget about all of the tiny details, and instead focus on my Savior. I think I had a wakeup call at the end of Bible School last week. I was tired and felt unorganized, and instead of remembering that I was doing it all for God’s glory, I chose to whine and complain about it. It made it less enjoyable for me when I lost sight of what I was doing.

How do you keep your heart and mind focused on what really matters?

Have a blessed Tuesday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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