hello from heymamachic!

Hi friends, it’s still me, still Brittany from the block 😉 I just have a new name for my new space and I’m really excited to share it with you! This has been in the works for a few months now and though I’m still working on the redesign of my blog, I’m happy to reintroduce myself here to you!

For years, I’ve operated my blog as my full name. When I first started my blog and my Instagram, I had no intentions to grow a following or a brand, so I didn’t give a second thought to my name. Over time, though, I’ve felt a tug to ‘re-name’ myself here so that it would be a better reflection of the content that I share. And sadly enough, I’ve experienced some privacy issues that have made me reevaluate how I operate my business here. Bummer. Anyway, I’ve always struggled with having, what I would say, is a clearly defined niche. But then I realized that I am essentially sharing my style and our life with you, so when I married the two, I realized I do have a niche – LIFESTYLE. And I want my name to reflect all of that 🙂

So why ‘Hey Mama Chic’? Well, I’ll be honest – I threw a bunch of names to the wall and this one stuck – haha! I’ve racked my brain for months over a new name and I kid you not, the Lord woke me up at 2:30 one morning and this name was on my brain – so, it stuck. A million times a day, I’m referred to as ‘hey mama’. In fact, I think my kids actually believe my name is ‘hey mama’. It’s pretty much my identity at my core now, and I’m not going to lie – I kinda like it 🙂 Chic comes from the idea that you can be a mama, and still be CHIC. You can be 65 and still be CHIC. You can be a single mom working 5 jobs and be one chic lady. Whether its my wardrobe, my home, or my life in general – chic is my aim. If you look up the definition of chic, do you know what words are similar to chic? Smart, sophisticated, stylish, tasteful…..I like those words, and I’m pretty sure we’ve all got room for a little more CHIC in our lives.

I look forward to sharing more of what inspires me here. From the clothes I’m wearing, to the house we’re working to make a home, I’m excited to show you practical, affordable ways to live a little more chic!

Oh, and I hope you still like real life – cause you’ll see a lot of that here 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

Let's be friends!

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  1. Margaret wrote:

    Almost 60 and I am still chic! Love the name! You’ve got this mama!

    Posted 2.19.21

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