sharpie shiplap : an easy room update

Fall break is almost over (sad face), but we did manage to knock a few little things off our to-do list! The problem is now, the list just keeps growing – ha!

When we built our house we made a dumb decision to have our driveway face the side door of our laundry room. So that means whenever people visit, they come through the side door and right into the laundry room. I know, SMART.


I wanted to freshen it up a bit because it’s usually the first room people see, so I tried my hand at Sharpie shiplap this week and call me IMPRESSED. I LOVE IT!

I’ve seen several bloggers do this. It seemed easy enough, and the cost is darn near nothing, so I figured it was worth a try. Following the recommendation of several articles that I read, I used Sharpie paint pens because they will be easier to paint over, should I decide I want to do that sometime.

The tools I used were 2 black paint pens, pencil, level, measuring tape, and a yard stick. That was it! It took me 30 minutes and cost me $8. I followed suggestions and measured every 6 inches from the top of the wall (not measuring after the marks I’d already made). I made small pencil marks every 6 inches, and then, using my level and yard stick, I drew out pencil lines across the wall (I laid my yardstick against the wall and used my level to get it straight). I had a small-ish space to work with, as I just did the accent wall behind my washer and dryer.

Then, after all of my pencil lines were drawn, I traced them (using my yardstick and level again) with the paint pens. The thickness of tip of pen resembled that of a nickel, so the lines showed up pretty well. They sure aren’t perfect, full-colored lines, but I actually like it like that. I think it looks a little more rustic and real.

This was probably the easiest thing I’ve ever done, home-improvement wise. I love that it spruced up the space for literal dollars. I was actually surprised at how real it looks. Honestly, the only way you can tell is if you get up super close and examine it. Plus, if I grow tired of it, I can just paint over it!


Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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  1. Peggy Pendleton wrote:

    Love it!!!!

    Posted 10.19.19

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