the honey-do list.

It’s been a little over 5 years since we built our house. At the time, we had a 3 year old, and another one very much on the way. In fact, we moved in 1 month before she was born and we broke a cardinal rule of ‘moving in before we were finished building’.

Our home is a modular (you can learn more about that process here) . And one thing we learned in building is to expect the unexpected. The budget we had for home ‘aesthetics’ instead got sucked into a well that went wayyyyy over initial cost because we had to dig so deep, lots of digging and grading because our home was plopped in a hay field, and septic pump issues. So in order to come in close to our original budget, we had to skimp on other cosmetic areas of the house – the ones that we knew, some day, we could come back in and change.

I think, in reality, lots of homeowners do the same sort of thing. Owning a house is very much a process in watching it evolve into a home that makes you feel comfortable, safe, and, well, home.

We’ve made a few little changes over the last couple of years, including finishing our porch and landscaping to hide all of the clay mud 🙂 But we’d like to SLOWLY start our ‘glow-up’ plans on the inside, too. And by slowly, I mean as we save up for each project. Maybe that’s why it’s taking us a little while, but we’ve been pretty adamant about saving up for one project at a time.

So what’s on our long-term glow up list?

Kitchen backsplash. Yep. We were those people who moved in without finishing our kitchen. We said we would do it within a month or two of moving in, and here we are 5 years later with grease spots on the walls. This one is (fingers crossed) the first on our list, and hopefully happening during our fall break. I think we’ve decided to try peel and stick tile for a quick update since we do plan on changing out our countertops within the next 5-10 years.

our kitchen currently without backsplash

Boys bedroom. My oldest son’s bedroom literally hasn’t been touched since we moved in. He still has primed sheet rock with no paint, and the most random mix of hand-me-down furniture. We’ll be joining both boys together later this year in the same room, so this is another project that’s on top of the list. We’re imagining a fresh coat of paint, new furniture, and new decor for the both of them.

New front door. I am obsessed with natural light. My sister in law makes fun of me because of all of the windows we have (with no blinds or sleep shades). We got a standard, builder’s grade front door with our house and I feel like it makes the entry of our house so dark. We have a beautiful view where we live and I would love to open that up with either some double farmhouse doors or a single, open door.

our current builder’s grade door that we painted – i would love a wood door with more open space for lighting OR double doors!

Faux’ Fireplace. I LOVE a fireplace. I grew up with one in my house and living in the mountains, they can be pretty necessary. We found that out last year during a snowstorm when we lost power and heat. We have no chimney, but we want to do gas logs with a fireplace ‘face’ that goes up to our ceiling. We’d like to mount our television over top and I’m thinking that a white-washed brick would look great.

Downstairs ‘office’. Our youngest sleeps in our spare downstairs room that has been a catch-all for the most random assortment of things over the last 5 years. Most recently, it’s served as his bedroom, but that will change when he moves upstairs with his brother. I can’t wait to get my hands on that room and actually do something with it. I’d love to have an office space in there, as well as a pullout couch or daybed for our overnight visitors.

Upstairs built-in. We have an odd-shaped play/tv room between the bedrooms upstairs. For now, it houses lots of toys, old furniture, and a refinished 1970s tv stand that looks entirely too small for the wall. We envision a built-in cabinet/tv stand that runs the entire length of the wall. I think it would anchor our space and give us much needed storage!

Those are our 6 biggest inside projects we’d like to tackle first. I’d also add some small furniture upgrades/room refreshes along the way. I’m not even ashamed to admit it, but most of our furniture pieces are hand-me-downs/thrift finds and some we’ve had since our college days! Our bedroom dresser was a $10 yard sale find when Ben was in college. Ha!

I’m excited to share some of our small progress along the way. I fully expect on taking our sweet time with this and making sure we have enough money saved up for each project in advance, so stay tuned!

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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  1. Cerissa Lofdahl wrote:

    Such fun projects! I love seeing your style and home decor and hearing your heart on motherhood. I am a stay at home mom of 5 and everyday I can relate to what you share (found your blog several months ago). You have had an amazing journey and I love to hear how it has shaped you as a wife and mom and Christ follower. So, thanks for sharing!!

    Posted 10.14.19
    • admin wrote:

      Thank you so much. This made my morning. I’m so glad to have you following along!

      Posted 10.16.19

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