Senegence Seminar 2018

W H A T   A   T R I P!

This past weekend, me and three of the girls from my team loaded up the car and drove to Tulsa, Oklahoma for our 3-day Seminar with Senegence. We had SO MUCH FUN. It was LITERALLY so jam-packed with trainings and events, that we averaged about 4-5 hours of sleep per night. But it was well worth it.

This is my second corporate event with Senegence (I attended the Leader’s Confernce in the fall), so I knew a little about what to expect. But, this time, it far exceeded my expectations. I met, for the first time, 3 other women from my team (Hi Amy, Raven, and Karen!). There was a total of 7 girls from my team that joined us (plus my upline), so it was SO special to get to spend time with them and get to strengthen our relationships.


We attended some killer trainings, including those on business aspects and makeup application. We also attended several events, including a mermaid-themed Dominion Party (when you join a team, you are part of a Dominion, depending on who you sign with). We had an awards ceremony on Friday, where we dressed in our formal gowns. And let me stop right here and tell you about mine. Ya’ll. I stressed over finding a gown for at least a good month. And, by chance, when I was just about to give up hope and wear a brown paper bag, I went to Whitney’s Closet (a local consignment store) and picked this one up for $75! And the shoes are Nine West, BRAND NEW, from the Salvation Army (earrings are BaubleBar by Target). I had so much fun dressing up. The last time I wore a ‘fancy dress’ was on my wedding day, about 9 years ago. So I’m thinking we need to do this a little more often 🙂

The final night was an invitation-only costume party for those who grossed a certain percentage of team sales. I went as Kelly Kapowski. And I’m not gonna lie, once I got past the fact that I looked like I had a mullet, I LOVED EVERY SINGLE SECOND of it. I’m a 90s baby at heart, so I relished in the fact I could wear Keds and mom jeans.

In total, we drove over 1800 miles, and it took 28 hours to get there and back. I can’t explain the feeling of getting home and seeing my family. I cried like a big baby. When everyone was finally in bed on Sunday, I had a few minutes to reflect back on my trip.

I’ve been in the business for over a year now, and some days, I still have moments where I can’t believe I’m doing this. The girl who swore she would never do anything like this. The girl who said she would never go on trip by herself. The girl who owned a flip-phone until 3 months before I started my business. The girl who despised ‘selfies’. And here I am, right in the thick of it.

One of the questions we were challenged with over the weekend was to define our ‘WHY’. I have literally thought about it since they asked us, and I think I can define my why now ( a year later is not too late, right?!)

So, here is my WHY:

– First, and foremost, I see this as an opportunity to share my testimony with others. I’ve been able to connect with SO many people I would have NEVER had the opportunity to connect with without this business. Can I tell you how many potential foster mamas I’ve met and shared with through this business? God’s timing, ya’ll!

– Secondly, I see this as an opportunity to grow myself. It sounds so silly, I know. But being in this business has forced me to get outside of my awkward little shell. Most people who really know me would laugh if I told them I’m an introvert at heart. But, I am! I’m what I like to call an ‘introverted extrovert’. I LOVE relationships and connecting with other women and developing friendships. I’ve always just struggled with HOW to do that. And this business has given me the opportunity to push myself, and in turn, create some of THE most meaningful friendships and relationships.

–  And last, this has been such an incredible opportunity for my family. I hate talking about this part of it the most. Why? Because I’m so afraid it sounds cliche and ‘spammy’. But, as cliche and ‘spammy’ as this sounds, it’s true. Because of this business, we’ve been able to give back in ways that have filled us up and taught our kids so much about servant hood. Because of this business, we’ve been able to pay off Ben’s education loan and our car loan, and start college savings for each of the kids. And we were even able to take our two big kids to NYC for a chance to see themselves in the middle of Times Square.

Our lives would look pretty different right now if I hadn’t stepped out in faith.

Have a blessed Tuesday!


Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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  1. Karen Marcinski wrote:

    Brittany, I’m so thankful that our paths have crossed! You have made a believer in SeneGence, and now I won’t use anything else! Also, you have a wonderful, kind and down to earth personality that makes you so approachable and so easy to love! I just know you will go far in life because of who you are!

    Posted 5.3.18

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