a new season.

Whoa. 2 months since I last wrote? Time has FLOWN, and I don’t know where it went!

These have been 2 super busy months for us. Some days, I feel like I’m skidding into the parking lot of the bank 1 minute before they close and I have to make a payment. We’re nothing but efficient at the last minute now. HAHA.

So we are a little over 2 months into our foster care journey now, and I can’t even tell you how huge of a blessing this has been. When we said ‘yes’ to our call, we had about 10 minutes to decide, and a 2 hour drive to meet our little one. I can’t tell you all the crazy things running through my mind during that looooooong ride. We literally said ‘yes’, I flew home, we told our kids, packed our bags, and headed out the door. There wasn’t much thinking involved.

That car ride was a doozy. It was 2 hours of the most intense, yet blank thinking I’ve ever done before. What in the world were we doing? How were we going to do this? What would this be like? I was nervous. Like sweaty, heart-racing, muscle-weakness, NERVOUS. There were alot of unknowns with this case, too. And I think that only added to my nervousness.

To say that all of that melted away as soon as I laid eyes on that little one (LO) is an understatement. I felt the peace of God like I’ve only felt a few other times in my life.

Those first 3 weeks were rough. LO was dealing with a major change and some medical complications. We slept little, worried a lot, and tried, in vain, to soothe our LO. At this point, I didn’t know if things would ever improve.

Oh, but now. NOW. I can’t imagine our lives without LO, and we are seeing SUCH major improvements in LO’s health. We still have some hurdles to jump, but we are making progress, and doing things I never thought I’d see.

I could talk about our adjustment as parents, but the real superstars have been our kids. They literally had 4 hours from the point they found out we were getting LO, until the time we held LO. They haven’t missed a beat! I can’t believe how much Parker has matured in all of this. He is genuinely helpful with LO, and the love I see him show LO brings me to tears most of the time. And Rhyan? Well, she thinks she has a new life-size baby doll to play with. Her love for LO is fierce and motherly. Our goal in all of this with our kids has been to show them to love and care for others, and to have a servant’s heart. And I see that in them now. It’s nothing we are doing, either. It’s the handiwork of the Lord that’s at work in our lives right now.


Have a blessed Sunday!

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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