Thank you, so much, for your unbelievably kind words, prayers, and support. I am reminded of the blessings of friendship and love during times like this. Your sweet words provided so much comfort to me and my family. After letting my head rest and my heart heal, I’ll be back soon with my thoughts.
Two years ago, in early November, I had my sweet little PB. Being totally new to this whole ‘mom’ thing, I had no idea what to expect after I ‘expected’. I do remember being particularly stressed about the holidays. I remember before I gave birth, this little voice in the back of my mind told me to do all of my Christmas shopping and planning before I had my baby, because maybe, just maybe, I wouldn’t have much time with a newborn on my hands.
I made our parents a nice little coffee table book filled with pictures of PB’s first year. And then, I made a little ornament with PB’s footprint.
Last year, his feet were a little bigger, so 2nd year foot ornaments were out of the question. Instead, I took the same wood slats (from Hobby Lobby) and did this:
We passed these out to family on Christmas and these were a hit, too. This was just as easy to make. The wood slats are from Hobby Lobby. They sell them in the wood aisle. I can’t remember the price, but I know it was cheap, and they come in packs of 3 or 4. I painted the slats and let them dry. I measured my picture and made the cuts I needed to. And then I painted Modge Podge on the slat and applied the picture. After letting that dry, I applied another coat of Modge Podge to seal the deal. I took my drill and added a tiny hole to thread some ribbon through. This is one of my favorite ornaments on the tree, and I’m certain I’ll be making more of these this year.
Do you have any DIY ornaments on your tree? Any more ideas for a personalized kiddo ornaments?
Have a blessed Thursday 🙂