on blogging and time.

In about 1 month, I will have been blogging for one whole year. Geeeeez. That’s a really long time for me. And it’s a really big deal for me, as longevity is not my strong suit. I tend to get on a ‘kick’ about something and go full steam ahead until I fizzle out.

For me, that’s usually 2 weeks or so. 
So this is a pretty big deal to me. And, I’m quickly approaching 200 posts, too, which is another realllly big deal to me. 
As I’m heading towards this blogging milestone, I’ve been thinking about what I’ve been doing, and what I want to do. I’m sure its pretty apparent my blogging has been hit or miss since I quit my job back in November. Part of that is due to the fact that my schedule and routine flew out the window when I started staying home. Of course, I’m back interning right now, but I’ve still not gotten back in to a groove that gives me a time to write each day. The other part of it is just due to the fact that I don’t have time. And the lack of time I have is a choice that I make. I’m simply not making the time. I have 24 hours in my day. Work is going to take a chunk each day, guaranteed. The rest of the time I want to spend as much time possible with my family. And eat! And sleep a little too. So blogging is around #47 on my daily priority list.
And that’s totally fine with me.
I’ve talked about it before on here, and as I’m approaching my first full year of blogging, I feel it’s only right that I mention it again. I blog for a couple of reasons.
1. To share my faith. I love Jesus. He loves me, and you, too! I look around at my life and I feel so overwhelmingly blessed. He has done so much for me. What am I doing for Him? I feel like this is the least I can do to share my faith.
2. To record my life. I think of this as a virtual scrapbook for me. It’s much easier than a paper scrapbook for my creatively challenged self. I love looking back on things I wrote a year ago, and thinking how much has changed.
3. To connect and share. Blogging has introduced me to a unique community of friends whom I cherish dearly. I’ve met so many wonderful people through this blogging experience. I’ve been able to share ideas and advice, and I’ve been able to receive way more encouragement, inspiration, and guidance.
So as I’m nearing my blogging birthday, I’ve been thinking about this little blog’s future. I can’t promise I’ll post 5 days a week. Nor can I promise I’ll post anything worth reading. But I can promise that I’ll continue to do it as long as I enjoy it. I have really enjoyed it this year. I love to connect and share. I love the friendships I’ve made, and I love the dear readers I’ve met along the way. I’m not sure what direction this ole’ blog will take in the future, but I’ll buckle up and enjoy the ride. Thank you for reading. And thank you for sticking with me through these past few months when I have been so sporadic. You are all so wonderful, and I’m blessed to count you as my friends 🙂
Have a blessed Wednesday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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