girl time….

A couple of nights ago, Ben wanted to take PB to a basketball game. I didn’t feel like going, so I told him to go on without me and have a ‘boy’s night’. Ben was excited.

I packed up the diaper bag, kissed the boys, and shut the door.

I’m not gonna lie, I could hardly contain my excitement. I love, love, love having a son. I really do. And I might be a little biased, but I think boys are just the most fun. But every once in a while, I need like a 1 hour break from boys. From the trucks. And the tractors. And the footballs. And the gas. And the mischievous smiles.

I didn’t know what to do first. The house was a wreck, as it stays 99.9999999% of the time now, but somehow, I just wasn’t bothered by that. I started making a mental list of things I would do during my ‘girl time’.

1. Put my fuzzy socks on.
2. Plop my fat rear on the couch.
3. Eat a huge bowl of chocolate ice cream covered in milk (p.s. does anybody else do that?)
4. Put on my new Golden Girls DVD.
5. Take a bubble bath.
6. Pluck my eyebrows.
7. Shave my legs.
8. Do some sit-ups.
9. Eat another bowl of chocolate ice cream?

I ran and grabbed my fuzzy socks. Then, I made the biggest bowl of chocolate ice cream that I could possibly fit in my dish. I put in season 7 of the Golden Girls and made myself comfortable on the couch. I had not even finished my bowl when I heard the car pull up.

Are you serious!?

Yep. They were back. Ben had gotten his wires crossed and they got to the game late. They stayed for a few minutes, and came on back.

PB came running in the house, tracking in mud everywhere. Ben came in right behind him, dropping jackets and bags everywhere.


I’m outnumbered now.

And the older PB gets, the more outnumbered I feel.

He’s just like his daddy.

It’s like having two Bens in the house.

So much for girl time……………

Have a blessed Monday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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