11 things

I’m terrible at blogging things. And I’m terrible at following directions. And I’m terrible at playing games. I’m just terrible I guess.

Anyway, Aryn tagged me a while back for this 11 things about you thingamajig. I’ve procrastinated. I’ve forgot about it. And I’m sorry, Aryn!

You’re supposed to post the rules, so here they are:

Here are the rules:
1. You must post the rules. (And link up who tagged you.)
2. Post eleven fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
 3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then create eleven new questions to ask the people you’ve tagged.
4. Tag eleven people and link them on your post.

                                                  5. Let them know you’ve tagged them!

So, to follow through with Aryn’s tag, here are 11 things about myself.

1. I smell clothes before I buy them. Actually, I smell most things (housewares, shoes, towels, etc.) before I buy them. I’ve got the nose of a bloodhound.
2. I now have the complete Golden Girls DVD set. Up next, the Andy Griffith Show, and then Friends. After that, I might as well cut my cable off.
3. I hate tea and coffee.
4. I’m a homebody (not to be confused with a homeboy). I would rather stay at home than anything else.
5. I don’t let my feet touch the bottom of the ocean. Once I go out in the ocean past my knees, I tread water because I can’t stand for my feet to touch the unknown!
6. I wash my hair every 3 days. Is that nasty?
7. I write with my right hand. I do everything else with my left hand.
8. I wore a size 8 1/2 shoe in high school. Now I wear a 7 1/2. Explain that one.
9. Denzel Washington is my favorite actor.
10. I have lots of gray hair.
11. I annoy Ben to death by popping his bumps. That’s nasty too, right?

So there’s 11 ‘fun’ things about me. Actually, they’re weird and strange, and if you never read my blog again after this, I totally understand.

And here’s answers to Aryn’s 11 questions to me:

1. Who is your favorite person in the world?  That’s a trick question, but it’s gotta be my boys, PB and Ben.
2. If you could take an all expenses paid vacation anywhere in the world, where would it be? The French Polynesia
3. If you could have the leading role in any major movie, which movie would it be? Under Seige, but then I guess that would make me a man. 
4. What do you consider to be your biggest accomplishment so far in your life? Motherhood!
5. What show/movie are you most embarassed to admit that you love? Most of the stuff I watch is old stuff, so really anything that I still watch…Golden Girls, Fresh Prince, Andy Griffith, etc….
6. What is one goal that you have for 2012? Focus more on what matters most: Christ and family
7. If you were a superhero, which one would you be? I don’t know any superheroes except Superman…
8. Name one thing that you cannot live without. Food. period.
9. You’re going to the beach for the day but only have room in your bag for three things, what three items do you take? Sunscreen, cause I’m pasty, water cause I get thirsty, and Rosebud salve cause I’m addicted (thanks, Kathy!)
10. What is your best tip for living on a budget/living thrifty? Get creative!
11. If you could spend endless amounts of money on one thing, what would it be? Old furniture.

Most of the bloggers I follow have already participated in this, or have been tagged already, so I’m not going to tag anymore people 🙁  But thanks for thinking of me, Aryn! 

Anybody else not wash their hair for 3 days? Pop your husbands bumps? Have gray hair yet? After I read my list of ’11 fun things about myself’, I realize that I’m not that fun at all actually. More like awkward. Or weird. Or homebodyish. Or just plain awkward.

Have a blessed Wednesday!

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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