an unorganized list.

1. A little part of me wants pajama jeans for Christmas. Not all of me, but a little part of me does. I saw them at Walmart the other day, and if those dern things hadn’t been boxed up, I would have went and tried them on. It’s so tempting, you know.

2. I’m crawling out of the house this week. My baby is finally feeling better, praise the Lord! He was actually feeling better late last week, but we didn’t want to get him out for fear of infection in his blisters. He had some nasty blisters. But this week? Katie, bar the door. We still haven’t seen the man in red. He’s on our agenda this week, along with Chick-fil-a waffle fries, and Target.

3. Ben doesn’t read my blog. Like, ever. In fact, if I didn’t remind him, I don’t think he’d know the web address. So, I think it’s pretty safe to discuss sensitive matters here, with confidence that Ben won’t read it. And by sensitive matters, I’m talking Christmas presents. The man is hard to shop for. For a man who says he doesn’t want much, he’s very specific about what he does want. Right now, he’s trying to outfit a weight area in my parent’s basement, so thus, he wanted weight things for Christmas. I would like to say I had a fabulous time dropping a 30 lb. dumbbell on my left foot in the middle of Dick’s the other day. I’m tempted to stick some money in a card and call it quits.

4. I’ve not been in the Christmas spirit this year. I know exactly why. This weather. It has been in the 50s here, most every day since forever. The 50s! I walked outside yesterday in a t-shirt. This isn’t supposed to happen at Christmas, people. No snow. No cold weather. It’s really bummed me out. I’m a winter gal, as in it could snow 360 days a year (need a one week beach break) and I would be thrilled.

5. I force my poor mother to wrap my Christmas presents every year, even if I pick them out while shopping with her. I still make her wrap them so I can open them on Christmas morning. And none of that bag junk, either. I want my presents wrapped in paper. I’m a diva like that. I get a thrill ripping through the paper.

6. I’m wondering how we will explain Santa and the chimney to PB in a few years. We have a gas logs and a mantle. No fireplace. No chimney. Santa crawled up through the gas log pipes? Santa opened a window and punched through a screen?

7. Baking soda takes the vomit smell out of carpet. No joke. I learned this last week.

8. My best friend will be having her baby any day now, and I can hardly stand it.

9. I feel like I went on a weird vacation last week. I didn’t cook much, didn’t clean much, didn’t sleep much, or doing anything much except take care of a sick boy. I felt strangely disconnected from the world. And it was kinda nice. Not the whole ‘sick baby’ part, but the disconnect from the world part.

10. My friends and I played ‘Saved by the Bell’ when we were younger. We always fought over who would get to be Kelly. Usually, we assigned our roles based on hair color. For one time in my life, I was actually proud of my hair, unlike this time:

Read more about my troubled hair past here and here.

11. I’m not going to lie. I still watch ‘Saved by the Bell’. It’s still one of my favorite shows. I think I’m stuck in the early 90s. It makes me a little sad that Zack and Kelly aren’t married in real life.

12. Thanks for coming back today to the ole’ blog after my hiatus last week. Y’all are legit!

Have a blessed Monday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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