staycation recap.

Hello, friends!

I feel like I was a little MIA last week. Ben and I took a little ‘staycation’ over Thanksgiving, so blogging got the backseat. What is a ‘staycation’, you ask? A ‘staycation’ means you spend x amount of days at home doing whatever the heck you want to do. It was niiiiice.ย This was one of the very first times we’ve ever done that. Usually, we are traveling to see family during any time off, so this was new to us.

We did a lot of cleaning and organizing on our staycation. I know, we’re wild. We also did a lot of eating. And a lot of PB-playing. We took him to the mall for the first time since he’s been a ‘big boy’. I really don’t think he’d been to the mall since he was 3 months or so. Bless his heart, he lives a sheltered life. He ran wild. He must have thought we took him to Vegas or something. He was particularly interested in the mannequins. He stared at them at least half the time we were there and he kept running up to them and waving at them, probably wondering why they weren’t waving back.

We had Thanksgiving dinner with my family, and we really stuffed ourselves. Sometimes, I think I could take a bath in mashed potatoes and gravy. I really don’t think there’s a better food. Somewhere during the course of Thanksgiving Day, my momma managed to persuade me into black Friday shopping with her at midnight. I’ve really never been black Friday shopping before. About 4 or 5 years ago, I went with her, but we didn’t go until like 8 a.m. on Friday, so I don’t really count that. We headed out at 11:15 p.m., to get to the stores by midnight.

I wanted to cry.

I’m such a sleep baby. If I don’t go to bed by a certain time every night, and get at least 7-8 hours of sleep, I pout. And if I don’t wake up by 8:30 a.m. at the latest, I pout and feel like I’ve wasted the whole day sleeping. Like I said, I’m a sleep baby!

It was an experience to say the least. I was so confused that night. What time is it? Why am I not sleeping? Should I eat? Could I lay in the bed display at Kohl’s and not be noticed? Who am I? Why am I here? What is my name?

Needless to say, I’m not a night owl. My body and mind shut down about 10 every night, and reopen around 7 the next morning. If I’m awake during those hours, it’s not a pretty picture. We made it home around 6 that morning. As I attempted to brush my teeth with Ben’s comb, I vowed I’d never do black Friday again. At least not until next year ๐Ÿ˜‰

Ben and I had a date night over the weekend. We were home by 8 p.m. We went to eat and decided we were too cheap to pay for dinner and a movie, so we rented a movie and came back home. We sat on the couch and ate ice cream in our pajamas. Good choice!

Sunday was church and my dearest friend Whitney’s baby shower. Baby Emery Kate (don’t you just love that name?) will be here in 4 weeks or so, and I am beyond excited for her. Whitney and I go way back to kindergarden. I’m so blessed to have her as my friend. Not many people can say they’ve had the same best friends since kindergarden. We grew up together, roomed together in college, and were in each other’s wedding. And now, I’ve decided our kids should get married. It’s the next logical step.

So that was my Thanksgiving staycation. What about you guys? Did you eat yourselves silly? Did you brave the black Friday madness?

Have a blessed Monday ๐Ÿ™‚

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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