the dollar frame

I’ve got a place above our gas log fireplace that needs some help. I’ve got an old flower arrangement on the mantel, a couple of candles, and a tin star above it. Because our old floors are unlevel, every time you walk by the fireplace, everything on the mantel and above it shakes and rattles like Godzilla just walked by. This is an exceptional confidence booster for someone who’s trying to get rid of the baby weight!

So I went on the hunt for something new and CHEAP to hang above the mantel. I went to my 2nd favorite store, The Dollar Tree, and picked up four of these babies:

I’ve been seeing some burlap frames on pinterest that I’m loving. I’m going through a burlap phase right now, so I’ve got stashes of burlap laying everywhere. I go through phases like that.

image via

So I took the back off of the frame and covered it in burlap.

And then I slapped some antique white paint on the wood, and rubbed a little stain on the corners.

Right frame with paint only. Left frame with paint and stain.

I fiddled around with different things to put in the frame, from scrap rosettes:

To a moss covered ‘R’ (which, by the way, I got this moss at The Dollar Tree, too):

I’ve not yet figured out what I want to use in them, but I’m planning on hanging all four burlap frames above my mantel, and then changing them out seasonally. Maybe some paper snowflakes for winter, some pressed flowers for spring, maybe some happy pictures for summer, and some colorful leaves for fall?

The Dollar Store has some great, basic picture frames for, get this, $1! They’re great to paint and use around the house or for a picture wall. You can’t go wrong with $1 frames!

For a $4 total project, I’m happy! I’ll keep you posted on my mantel progress.

Have a blessed Wednesday 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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