a thankful thursday.

Do you ever get into a rut of complaining? Sometimes, when I don’t get my way (imagine that) I’ll get all ‘complainy’. For no reason other than just to whine and complain (and pout).

And then something will happen to remind me that life is too short and too sweet to waste it being whiny and ‘complainy’.

A while back, I posted this on facebook, after a particularly ‘complainy’ day:

i’m thankful for my stretch marks that i try to cover up (they remind me of my sweet boy), my hair i fuss about taking too long to dry (it reminds me i have my health), my family i claim who nag too much (they remind me i’m loved), and a husband who leaves his clothes on the floor (that doesn’t remind me of anything, but he’s hott and i love him 😉 how ungrateful i must sound to the Lord, yet he still blesses me.

I realized that everything I complained about was actually a blessing or resulted in a blessing.
For instance, yesterday, I was complaining about not having enough room in our little old house. But you know what? We have a roof over our heads and a place to call home.

I got to thinking how ungrateful I must sound to the Lord. He showers me with blessings, daily, hourly, and I still find something to complain about.

So I’ve decided to dedicate Thursdays on my blog as “Thankful Thursdays”. I plan on listing at least 5 things that I’m thankful for that week. This way, it will ensure that I’m giving praise and thanks for the blessings that God gives me, and hopefully, it will hold me accountable to see the beauty in all of my blessings, rather than be all whiny and ‘complainy’. It would be like totally rad if ya’ll could follow along, too! I love me an accountability partner!

Soooooo, this week I’m thankful for:

1. My mom. I love my mom. She is an incredible woman. She’s the best advice-giver, encourager, friend, and cook I know. She’s my number one fan (and I’d be hers too if she hadn’t given birth to my brother ;). I can’t say enough about her. She’s the best granny, too. PB is beyond blessed to have her as a granny. I hope I can be half the mom and half the granny that she is one day.

2. My hometown. It’s funny, when I was younger, I couldn’t wait to get away. I thought I was so over it. I moved away for an internship for the summer to the big city, and I when I came back home, I kissed the ground, rolled around in the grass, and swore I’d never leave her again. I’m happy to report, we are on speaking terms again. Dorothy puts it best…..there IS no place like home.

Image via google images.

3. The military. I’m ashamed to say this, but I don’t think I comprehended just what a sacrifice some people make for our country. One of my friends (Hi, J!) just moved away to live with her husband on a military base. THANK YOU. Thank you and your husband for making a sacrifice every day to protect me and my family. I’ve (virtually) met other military wives and families who left the comfort and security of home to live in a foreign land for people like me. I’m so humbled by that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. And I pray that God will protect you, comfort you, and bless you for what you do.

4. Our little old house. (And the people who built it!). Yes, that is a real picture of our little old house (taken over 60 years ago). My great granddad and great granny built the house and lived there all of their married years. You can read more about our little old house here. I’m so thankful for this place. It keeps us warm, cool, dry, and happy. I couldn’t think of a better place to enjoy our rookie years.

5. This little fella. I love him. I love to smell his feet. I love to kiss his juicy cheeks. I love to play trucks with him. I love to sniff his ears. I love to hear him scream ‘dadadadaddda’. I love to watch him see his world. I love to love him! I hope his eyes always stay this color……….

What are you thankful for this Thursday?

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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