Good men.

Father’s Day is right around the corner, and I am so blessed to have such awesome fathers in my life. First, I am thankful for my Heavenly Father; He IS the Man, the ultimate Father. I often think how lost I’d feel if I didn’t have Him there. I take it for granted far too often that the Creator of our universe wants to spend time with little ole’ me. What a privilege that is!

 Also, a big shout out to my padre Sammy; he’ll be celebrating his 24th Father’s Day this year. He’s pretty awesome. And the older I get, the more I appreciate his quirkiness (and the fact that I’m alot like him). Sure, he may wear the same t-shirt every day (me too, actually have two of the same so I can get maximum ‘wearage’), and he may stockpile 47 bottles of ketchup in our basement (I’m stockpiling products, toothpaste, deo, cleaning supplies, etc), and he will clean every dish with a paper towel before they are actually washed in the dishwasher (I clean the floor with papertowels at least 5 times a day), but I do love that man. I’m shouting out to him like I would think he would ever read this. My dad is 48, and I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know how to turn a computer on. Occasionally, he’ll ask me to ‘connect him to the internet’. I guess that shows how technologically advanced he is.

This will be Ben’s first dad’s day, and I’m so pumped for him. He is an incredible dad, and it just does my heart good to watch him with PB. Ya know, I think they should also have a Husband’s Day, too. Putting up with me can’t be an easy job. I’m probably a bit partial, but I think he IS the best husband. So I think I’ll make today “Husband’s Day” on my little corner of the web world. In celebration of this major event, some reasons I love my husband:

1. He loves his Savior. It’s one of the most attractive things about Ben. Seeing Ben’s relationship with Christ inspires me to be more like that. I love that he prays with and for me. I love that he prays for Parker. I love that he spends alone time with God and that he desires to walk closer everyday. Our preacher had to be away two Sundays ago, so he asked Ben to bring the message that morning. He did such an awesome job! I am so proud of him.

2. He lets me eat first. With PB in the picture, there have been some (many) dinners in which he decides its playtime. He always seems to get fussy when we sit down for dinner. So sometimes, we’ll take turns eating while the other tends to the bald guy. Ben always lets me eat first. I think he does this for two reasons. 1. I eat fast. I’m not kidding. I could have a full meal in less than 3 minutes. That can’t be healthy. And 2, he does it to keep our marriage intact. I am a somewhat unhappy individual if my stomach is empty.

3. He lets me dream. I’m such a dreamer, and my mind runs at full capacity all hours of the day. I have all sorts of crazy ideas, and Ben listens to each and every one (or at least pretends that he does). He gives me so much support.

4. He makes me laugh everyday. His adjustment to life in the country has been so fun to watch, as I’m sure my attempts on his surfboard have been equally funny to him.

5. He’s a family man. I guess you never have a way of ‘knowing’ whether or not your husband will be a family man until you have kids, really. I always knew Ben would be a great dad, but I guess I didn’t have that proof until we had PB. I love that he loves spending time with us.

I’m a lucky, lucky girl to have such awesome fathers in my life.

Happy Father’s Day to all the wonderful dads out there.

And Happy Husband’s Day to my Ben. We love you 🙂

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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