new obsession and other things.

I have always been a little behind technologically speaking. I still have a flip phone with a busted screen that has an old-school ringtone. And if it was up to me, and I wouldn’t look like a complete loser, I’d still carry the old Zack Morris phone.

But I recently ran across a website that I loooove and is pretty easy to operate, which is GREAT for the technologically challenged like myself. It’s called pinterest ( and its basically a big ole’ virtual inspiration board. I love it because I can create as many inspiration boards as I want, and then I just ‘pin’ pictures from websites that I love. How cool is that? I’ve found some great ideas for PB and have found some great recipes. I’ve also started a home inspiration board for whenever we decide to build:

Some other things:

1. As soon as I can figure out how to load my videos (hear that imaginary friends? I NEED HELP!) I’ve got some great ones of PB, including his first basketball ‘game’. We’re starting him early around here.

2. Ben shaved his little beard last night! He looks so cute. It reminds me of when we first started dating. He had no facial hair and big head of hair.

3. Ben and I took our first kayak together last weekend. After being pregnant last summer, I couldn’t go, so we went to Dick’s and bought a 2nd kayak (on sale, mind you!) and we went together this past weekend. It was so much fun, though I spent most of my time trying to fish.

4. A couple of nights ago, we had a TIME trying to get PB to bed. He just wasn’t interested. He wanted to play. Ben snapped a cute picture of him with his phone. We agreed it looked as if he was trying to escape from jail.

‘mom…dad…. someone, ANYONE…… PUHLEASE let me outta here!’

5. I am very thankful this week. Sometimes I think we go through life and get so caught up in all ‘busyness’, we don’t take time to appreciate all of God’s blessings. I’ve tried to slow things down this week and take in all of small things. It’s amazing what you miss when you’re too busy too look……

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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