2 years.

It’s been a busy few weeks at the R home, with a quick trip to visit some family, finishing up school, having some friends visit, and taking care of a VERY wild and rambunctious 6 month old. But we’re alive, blessed, and still kicking!

PB had his 6 month checkup yesterday, which also meant his shots. He does pretty well with them generally. He screams bloody-murder for about 3-4 minutes and cries these big ole’ tears, and then he’s fine. He’s in the 28th percentile for weight; 85th for height; and 44th for head circumference. We thought HE had a big head; I’m just wondering what those other 46% of babies heads look like! As we were sitting in the exam room waiting on the doc to come in, I think Ben and I got a glimpse of our VERY near future. We had noticed in the waiting room earlier that the other babies (about his same age) were sitting quietly on the laps of their mommies, while PB was climbing all over Ben and I. He was trying to get in the floor and trying to jump in our laps. In the exam room, we literally had to take turns holding him because he was wearing us out. During the few minutes that we were in that room, he managed to rip the paper off of the bed, chew a tongue depressor, climb over both of us, grab at the doc’s things, almost kick her computer off the bed, and almost roll off of the table, all while smiling and sticking his tongue out. Our doc said we had a very active baby. I thought ACTIVE does not describe what this child is. As I was just about to get embarrassed at the little scene he was causing, I thought how blessed I am to have a healthy, happy, active baby. I don’t think I’d have it any other way.

Yesterday, Ben and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary! Does that still make me ‘knewlywifed’!??! We’ve not been married for 65 years, nor do we have all the secrets to wedded bliss, but I think if you wake up every day, feeling just as excited about the person sleeping next to you as you did the day you were first married, I’d say you’re on the right track. I told Ben the other day that I still feel like I’m playing “house”. We feel like two big kids (who happen to have one little kid) who are playing ‘grown-ups’ in a pint-sized house. I really think that is love. When you are adults (at least they say we are), but you have so much fun together that you feel like you are just two big kids, that’s got to be love. I love the Christian man, husband, and daddy that Ben is. He makes me want to be better and holds me accountable to be a good Christian woman, wife, and mommy. Through all that happens during the day, my feet will always manage to find his under the covers and that suddenly makes the world a better place 🙂

Picture by Bert and Becky Vanderveen

Hi! I'm Brittany, and I am SO happy you are here. I'm a small-town wife and mama to three, and if it makes my life easier, happier, or better, I'm going to share it with you :) You'll find affordable style for your family and home, family life, and some mama encouragement along the way. I hope you make yourself at home.

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